Electric Mobility Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

Project Update, June 2022: At their regular meeting on June 27, 2022, Council adopted the City’s eMobility Strategy. Thank you for your participation in the creation of this Strategy, which will guide the City’s actions on supporting the adoption of electric vehicles and electric micromobility devices over the next several years. 

Click here for the complete Strategy, and here for the report to Council presenting the Strategy and describing the strategy development process.

Scroll down to read a summary of what we heard through previous community engagement, and how participants’ priorities are reflected in the Strategy
Click here to read the Implementation Roadmap (a consolidated list of strategy actions). 

The City anticipates moving into implementing the Strategy in the fall of 2022.

Project Overview

In March of 2019, City Council declared a climate emergency, establishing targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). In November 2020, Council endorsed seven bold steps to help realize its emissions reductions targets.

To help support and achieve these commitments, the City has finalized an Electric Mobility Strategy. The Strategy will guide the City as it accelerates and supports the move towards sustainable and electric transportation systems in the community. The Strategy development process involved multiple phases of engagement to identify the necessary strategic initiatives and their applicable steps to create a well defined action plan that will:

  1. Increase e-bike and micro-mobility adoption to reduce private motor vehicle ownership and use;
  2. Increase the deployment of EV charging infrastructure;
  3. Develop electric utility management to accommodate increasing electrical demand;
  4. Support EV adoption.


The Strategy is Here! 

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided input throughout this process. Your feedback has been invaluable in developing an eMobility Strategy for New Westminster that supports the community's adoption of electric transportation.

At the start of this process, we heard that many community members are interested in adopting eMicromobility devices and/or EVs. However, barriers were identified in making adoption challenging. To overcome these barriers, we asked the community about the types of actions the City should prioritize. What we heard, as well as how we integrated your priorities into the eMobility Strategy, is summarized below.

 Priorities on eBikes and Mircomobility 

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.The City should build secure parking for eBikes and eMicromobility at strategic locations.We will invest in secure eBike parking and will work with our partners to bring additional parking infrastructure. We will work to locate secure parking at convenient locations that support connectivity in New Westminster and the broader region.
2.The City should launch a shared eBike pilot project.We will explore the feasibility of launching a shared eBike pilot.

Priorities on EV Chargers

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.The City should build public EV fast charging hubs.We will look to expand the number of public fast chargers in New West. This may come from private or City investment.
2.The City should install Level 2 EV chargers in New West neighbourhoods.We will look to expand the number of Level 2 chargers in New West. This may come from private or City investment.

Priorities on EV Charging Locations

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.Other than home charging, preferred EV charging locations are in neighbourhoods, public parking lots, or curbside.We will create siting guidelines for future EV charging locations to ensure they are located in easily accessible places. We will also map existing infrastructure and identify priority areas for EV charging infrastructure.

General Thoughts and Perspectives

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.A clear understanding of the rules and regulations of eMicromobility is needed to ensure everyone’s safety.We will work with our regional partners to advocate to the Province to create clear rules for eMicromobility.
2.To reduce EV adoption barriers, the City should focus on policy development and building infrastructure.The eMobility Strategy focuses the City’s efforts on policy and program development, building infrastructure, and advocating to other levels of government for actions that will support our own.

eMobility Strategy Documents

Click here review the Implementation Roadmap – a consolidated list of strategy actions.

Click here to review the full strategy.

Project Update, June 2022: At their regular meeting on June 27, 2022, Council adopted the City’s eMobility Strategy. Thank you for your participation in the creation of this Strategy, which will guide the City’s actions on supporting the adoption of electric vehicles and electric micromobility devices over the next several years. 

Click here for the complete Strategy, and here for the report to Council presenting the Strategy and describing the strategy development process.

Scroll down to read a summary of what we heard through previous community engagement, and how participants’ priorities are reflected in the Strategy
Click here to read the Implementation Roadmap (a consolidated list of strategy actions). 

The City anticipates moving into implementing the Strategy in the fall of 2022.

Project Overview

In March of 2019, City Council declared a climate emergency, establishing targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). In November 2020, Council endorsed seven bold steps to help realize its emissions reductions targets.

To help support and achieve these commitments, the City has finalized an Electric Mobility Strategy. The Strategy will guide the City as it accelerates and supports the move towards sustainable and electric transportation systems in the community. The Strategy development process involved multiple phases of engagement to identify the necessary strategic initiatives and their applicable steps to create a well defined action plan that will:

  1. Increase e-bike and micro-mobility adoption to reduce private motor vehicle ownership and use;
  2. Increase the deployment of EV charging infrastructure;
  3. Develop electric utility management to accommodate increasing electrical demand;
  4. Support EV adoption.


The Strategy is Here! 

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided input throughout this process. Your feedback has been invaluable in developing an eMobility Strategy for New Westminster that supports the community's adoption of electric transportation.

At the start of this process, we heard that many community members are interested in adopting eMicromobility devices and/or EVs. However, barriers were identified in making adoption challenging. To overcome these barriers, we asked the community about the types of actions the City should prioritize. What we heard, as well as how we integrated your priorities into the eMobility Strategy, is summarized below.

 Priorities on eBikes and Mircomobility 

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.The City should build secure parking for eBikes and eMicromobility at strategic locations.We will invest in secure eBike parking and will work with our partners to bring additional parking infrastructure. We will work to locate secure parking at convenient locations that support connectivity in New Westminster and the broader region.
2.The City should launch a shared eBike pilot project.We will explore the feasibility of launching a shared eBike pilot.

Priorities on EV Chargers

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.The City should build public EV fast charging hubs.We will look to expand the number of public fast chargers in New West. This may come from private or City investment.
2.The City should install Level 2 EV chargers in New West neighbourhoods.We will look to expand the number of Level 2 chargers in New West. This may come from private or City investment.

Priorities on EV Charging Locations

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.Other than home charging, preferred EV charging locations are in neighbourhoods, public parking lots, or curbside.We will create siting guidelines for future EV charging locations to ensure they are located in easily accessible places. We will also map existing infrastructure and identify priority areas for EV charging infrastructure.

General Thoughts and Perspectives

What We HeardOutlined in the Strategy
1.A clear understanding of the rules and regulations of eMicromobility is needed to ensure everyone’s safety.We will work with our regional partners to advocate to the Province to create clear rules for eMicromobility.
2.To reduce EV adoption barriers, the City should focus on policy development and building infrastructure.The eMobility Strategy focuses the City’s efforts on policy and program development, building infrastructure, and advocating to other levels of government for actions that will support our own.

eMobility Strategy Documents

Click here review the Implementation Roadmap – a consolidated list of strategy actions.

Click here to review the full strategy.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have questions about the E-Mobility Strategy project? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!

  • Share I do have another question: Is there a way to know where we can look at a potential roadmap for deploying more public chargers throughout the city? Like, dates, locations, etcetera? Thank you. on Facebook Share I do have another question: Is there a way to know where we can look at a potential roadmap for deploying more public chargers throughout the city? Like, dates, locations, etcetera? Thank you. on Twitter Share I do have another question: Is there a way to know where we can look at a potential roadmap for deploying more public chargers throughout the city? Like, dates, locations, etcetera? Thank you. on Linkedin Email I do have another question: Is there a way to know where we can look at a potential roadmap for deploying more public chargers throughout the city? Like, dates, locations, etcetera? Thank you. link

    I do have another question: Is there a way to know where we can look at a potential roadmap for deploying more public chargers throughout the city? Like, dates, locations, etcetera? Thank you.

    Effigy asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. We don't yet have a map and timeline for future public charging infrastructure, but the draft eMobility Strategy proposes to create just such a thing. The Strategy suggests the City undertake detailed mapping of existing charging infrastructure and invest in public charging stations where there are gaps in the network, giving consideration to equity, geographic distribution, and other criteria.

  • Share Is there any update regarding retrofitting apartment buildings built in the 90´s and older to include EV charging? As far as I'm aware, some strata have stopped their initiatives because the city hasn't agreed on anything with them yet. Thanks. on Facebook Share Is there any update regarding retrofitting apartment buildings built in the 90´s and older to include EV charging? As far as I'm aware, some strata have stopped their initiatives because the city hasn't agreed on anything with them yet. Thanks. on Twitter Share Is there any update regarding retrofitting apartment buildings built in the 90´s and older to include EV charging? As far as I'm aware, some strata have stopped their initiatives because the city hasn't agreed on anything with them yet. Thanks. on Linkedin Email Is there any update regarding retrofitting apartment buildings built in the 90´s and older to include EV charging? As far as I'm aware, some strata have stopped their initiatives because the city hasn't agreed on anything with them yet. Thanks. link

    Is there any update regarding retrofitting apartment buildings built in the 90´s and older to include EV charging? As far as I'm aware, some strata have stopped their initiatives because the city hasn't agreed on anything with them yet. Thanks.

    Effigy asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The draft eMobility Strategy recognizes that retrofitting multi-unit residential buildings to allow for charging in parkades is a key challenge to enable more residents to conveniently opt for an EV. One of the proposed actions is that the City explore developing a financial incentive program for EV-Ready retrofits in these buildings. This would be a “top up incentive”, in addition to those provided by senior government. The Strategy also proposes that the City support educational efforts to clearly convey to stratas and rental buildings the process for retrofitting parkades (an excellent resource is Metro Vancouver’s www.EVCondo.ca), and advocate for more financing options for building and unit owners.

  • Share As of right now bicycles are allowed on majority of sidewalks outside of business districts. Will e-scooters and etc, fall under this category for sidewalk use. Or will new update bylaws mandating them to the roadways come into effect? on Facebook Share As of right now bicycles are allowed on majority of sidewalks outside of business districts. Will e-scooters and etc, fall under this category for sidewalk use. Or will new update bylaws mandating them to the roadways come into effect? on Twitter Share As of right now bicycles are allowed on majority of sidewalks outside of business districts. Will e-scooters and etc, fall under this category for sidewalk use. Or will new update bylaws mandating them to the roadways come into effect? on Linkedin Email As of right now bicycles are allowed on majority of sidewalks outside of business districts. Will e-scooters and etc, fall under this category for sidewalk use. Or will new update bylaws mandating them to the roadways come into effect? link

    As of right now bicycles are allowed on majority of sidewalks outside of business districts. Will e-scooters and etc, fall under this category for sidewalk use. Or will new update bylaws mandating them to the roadways come into effect?

    BurningNight20 asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The eMobility Strategy recognizes the need for more clarity on where different types of eMobility devices belong. The Strategy calls for the City to advocate for changes to the Motor Vehicle Act, and to collaborate with neighbouring municipalities, TransLink, and Regional and Provincial governments to develop consistent guidance. Following adoption of the Strategy, staff will research options and collaborate with partners to determine the safest ways to advance eMicromobility while balancing safety needs of other modes of active transportation.

  • Share What are the timelines for the actions related to Electric Mobility Strategy? on Facebook Share What are the timelines for the actions related to Electric Mobility Strategy? on Twitter Share What are the timelines for the actions related to Electric Mobility Strategy? on Linkedin Email What are the timelines for the actions related to Electric Mobility Strategy? link

    What are the timelines for the actions related to Electric Mobility Strategy?

    NewWestResident asked about 4 years ago

    Hello there and please accept our apologies for the delay in responding to your question. We missed the notification for this one.

    The City continues to support and advance existing projects related to active transportation and electric vehicle charging. It is anticipated that additional opportunities, which will be outlined through development of the Electric Mobility Strategy, will begin implementation in 2022 after adoption of the Electric Mobility Strategy by City Council.

    Following the best practice research and community engagement in late 2020, we are initiating the Electric Mobility Strategy Development in the spring of 2021 with a target completion date of the end of this year. We will continue to engage with the community through this process, but anticipate some groundwork to be completed in the early stages before we can move to the next engagement phase.