514 Carnarvon Street (Holy Trinity Cathedral)

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Consultation has concluded

Rendering of proposed 30-storey residential tower and restored cathedral.

Project Update, July 4, 2022: A Public Hearing on this proposal was held on June 30, 2022, after which Council supported the application to change the Official Community Plan and Zoning.

Click here to read the Council package and all public correspondence received. Click here to watch the Public Hearing recording, and click here for the Council meeting recording following the Public Hearing.

What's being proposed?

Applications have been received for an Official Community Plan amendment, Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Special Development Permit to facilitate the seismic upgrade and restoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral at 514 Carnarvon Street.

In exchange, these applications would also enable the development of a 30-storey, 6.3 floor space ratio (FSR) tower with 285 residential units, of which 14 units would be secured market rental units. The remaining 271 will be strata condominiums (market ownership units). The proposal would also include a new parish hall for the Holy Trinity Cathedral at the base of the tower, a public plaza and a publicly-accessible pedestrian pathway including an elevator and staircase connecting Carnarvon Street to Clarkson Street. The project also proposes First Nation interpretive signage/public art and programming space.

The Official Community Plan amendment would change the land use designation from Residential – Mid Rise Apartment to Residential – Tower Apartment.

Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.

How can I engage?

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process has been iterative and revisions were considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

A Public Hearing was held on June 30, 2022, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Previous consultation:

In 2018, the applicant undertook consultation with the community and stakeholders, which included an open house held in March 2018 as well as meetings with First Nations, adjacent strata buildings, the New Westminster Downtown Residents’ Association, and the New Westminster Business Improvement Association. The applicant has provided a summary of their consultation to date which can be found here.

Applicant-led Engagement:
The applicants hosted an in-person Open House on November 30, 2021 and a Virtual Information Session on December 1, 2021 and were available to answer questions and receive feedback . For a summary of the feedback received at both sessions and the consultation process to date, click here.

Project Update, July 4, 2022: A Public Hearing on this proposal was held on June 30, 2022, after which Council supported the application to change the Official Community Plan and Zoning.

Click here to read the Council package and all public correspondence received. Click here to watch the Public Hearing recording, and click here for the Council meeting recording following the Public Hearing.

What's being proposed?

Applications have been received for an Official Community Plan amendment, Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Special Development Permit to facilitate the seismic upgrade and restoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral at 514 Carnarvon Street.

In exchange, these applications would also enable the development of a 30-storey, 6.3 floor space ratio (FSR) tower with 285 residential units, of which 14 units would be secured market rental units. The remaining 271 will be strata condominiums (market ownership units). The proposal would also include a new parish hall for the Holy Trinity Cathedral at the base of the tower, a public plaza and a publicly-accessible pedestrian pathway including an elevator and staircase connecting Carnarvon Street to Clarkson Street. The project also proposes First Nation interpretive signage/public art and programming space.

The Official Community Plan amendment would change the land use designation from Residential – Mid Rise Apartment to Residential – Tower Apartment.

Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.

How can I engage?

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process has been iterative and revisions were considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

A Public Hearing was held on June 30, 2022, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Previous consultation:

In 2018, the applicant undertook consultation with the community and stakeholders, which included an open house held in March 2018 as well as meetings with First Nations, adjacent strata buildings, the New Westminster Downtown Residents’ Association, and the New Westminster Business Improvement Association. The applicant has provided a summary of their consultation to date which can be found here.

Applicant-led Engagement:
The applicants hosted an in-person Open House on November 30, 2021 and a Virtual Information Session on December 1, 2021 and were available to answer questions and receive feedback . For a summary of the feedback received at both sessions and the consultation process to date, click here.

Consultation has concluded

Have a question about 514 Carnarvon Street ? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!

  • Share Hello. With so many high rises around Carnarvon now, would it be possible for the project to be revised to be a mid rise? Even a lower tier high rise would be better. 10 to 15 stories, 17 perhaps. Thanks. on Facebook Share Hello. With so many high rises around Carnarvon now, would it be possible for the project to be revised to be a mid rise? Even a lower tier high rise would be better. 10 to 15 stories, 17 perhaps. Thanks. on Twitter Share Hello. With so many high rises around Carnarvon now, would it be possible for the project to be revised to be a mid rise? Even a lower tier high rise would be better. 10 to 15 stories, 17 perhaps. Thanks. on Linkedin Email Hello. With so many high rises around Carnarvon now, would it be possible for the project to be revised to be a mid rise? Even a lower tier high rise would be better. 10 to 15 stories, 17 perhaps. Thanks. link

    Hello. With so many high rises around Carnarvon now, would it be possible for the project to be revised to be a mid rise? Even a lower tier high rise would be better. 10 to 15 stories, 17 perhaps. Thanks.

    Effigy asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question and feedback. The application for the proposed building is being considered as the site is located within New Westminster’s downtown. The downtown is a Regional City Centre well served by transit opportunities and remains a priority area for growth in the City as identified in the City’s Official Community Plan. The site also lies within one of two SkyTrain Precincts as identified in the Downtown Community Plan. These precincts are intended to accommodate high density mixed use development, recognizing SkyTrain’s significant role in reducing the need for private automobiles and helping advance several of Downtown’s sustainability objectives. The application has been reviewed by the New Westminster Design Panel, including consideration of shadow, view and privacy impacts on the public realm and adjacent buildings. 

    All of the above information would be presented to Council for consideration when formally deliberating on the application.

  • Share Hello, there are currently two large, beautiful trees on the Clarkson St side of the property. Will these trees be saved as part of the new development? There are precious few trees left in downtown New West, and these two massive trees provide shade and fresh air for nearby residents, especially during the summer when the heat waves hit, and mesh nicely with the City's plan to increase the tree cover in New Westminster. Please, please do not cut these beautiful trees down. on Facebook Share Hello, there are currently two large, beautiful trees on the Clarkson St side of the property. Will these trees be saved as part of the new development? There are precious few trees left in downtown New West, and these two massive trees provide shade and fresh air for nearby residents, especially during the summer when the heat waves hit, and mesh nicely with the City's plan to increase the tree cover in New Westminster. Please, please do not cut these beautiful trees down. on Twitter Share Hello, there are currently two large, beautiful trees on the Clarkson St side of the property. Will these trees be saved as part of the new development? There are precious few trees left in downtown New West, and these two massive trees provide shade and fresh air for nearby residents, especially during the summer when the heat waves hit, and mesh nicely with the City's plan to increase the tree cover in New Westminster. Please, please do not cut these beautiful trees down. on Linkedin Email Hello, there are currently two large, beautiful trees on the Clarkson St side of the property. Will these trees be saved as part of the new development? There are precious few trees left in downtown New West, and these two massive trees provide shade and fresh air for nearby residents, especially during the summer when the heat waves hit, and mesh nicely with the City's plan to increase the tree cover in New Westminster. Please, please do not cut these beautiful trees down. link

    Hello, there are currently two large, beautiful trees on the Clarkson St side of the property. Will these trees be saved as part of the new development? There are precious few trees left in downtown New West, and these two massive trees provide shade and fresh air for nearby residents, especially during the summer when the heat waves hit, and mesh nicely with the City's plan to increase the tree cover in New Westminster. Please, please do not cut these beautiful trees down.

    SM asked over 2 years ago

    Hello, apologies for the delay in our response and thank you for your question regarding the large and mature trees at 514 Carnarvon. These trees are slated for removal as the project predates the Tree Protection and Regulation Bylaw. Removal would allow for the completion of a public plaza and pedestrian connection, which provides an accessible link (including elevator) between Carnarvon Street and SkyTrain, Columbia Street, the Riverfront and the rest of the Downtown. Additionally, replacement trees are proposed to be planted on the subject property following development – it is currently anticipated that upwards of 20 trees would be planted within the new plaza space and along Clarkson Street. The plans are not yet finalized, so we can’t provide exact numbers or species at this time. For replacement requirements that cannot be accommodated on-site, a significant cash-in-lieu contribution would be made to the City’s Parks Department for tree planting on civic lands. Our Parks team will focus their plantings on the immediate vicinity of the church and new development in an effort to provide the downtown core with much-needed shade, clean air, and green infrastructure.