Project Update – April 20, 2022: Construction of the permanent Agnes Greenway active transportation corridor is set to begin in July, with a design that is based on what the City heard from the community and neighbourhood users through two rounds of public engagement. For ongoing construction updates, visit the Projects on the Go page on the City's main website.
The Final Design for the Agnes Greenway
Based on public and stakeholder feedback, and technical analysis, the final detailed design is now complete and will include a two-way protected lane for people cycling and rolling, improved spaces for people walking and sitting, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches.

The permanent greenway constructed this year will be similar in size and configuration to the existing temporary greenway. There will be no changes to traffic flow from the current configuration on Agnes Street. However, based on the preferences and priorities we heard from engagement participants, there will be some changes to the final design features.
The Permanent Agnes Greenway: How Your Input Impacted the Final Design
What We Heard | What We Did |
Survey respondents preferred a design that would close off Blackwood Street at Agnes Street and add additional landscaping.
| Blackwood Street will be closed off at Agnes Street. This will provide additional space for public amenities including seating, a water fountain, and a dog parklet.
A top theme from the survey feedback was “Prioritize Safety.” We also heard suggestions for crosswalk improvements at Blackwood Street. Additionally, we heard a desire for more permanent barriers.
| In addition to the numerous safety features that have been introduced in the temporary greenway, a raised crosswalk will be added across Agnes Street at Blackwood Street. The permanent greenway will also include permanent medians to replace the flexible delineators used in the temporary installation.
Vehicle flow was one of the top three design priorities heard in round one of public engagement.
| There are no changes to traffic flow from the current configuration on Agnes Street.
Street trees and landscaping were identified as one of the top priorities. Participants in round two of engagement also said “more greenery, more scenery” was a desired design feature.
| A rain garden will be added at the north curb extension opposite Blackwood Street, and a stormwater tree trench feature will be added between Fourth and Sixth streets that will reduce impacts on our sewer network.
Pedestrian comfort was one of participants’ top three design priorities, including a desire for more benches.
| The final design includes seating, bike racks and other furnishings.
The existing greenway was built as a temporary installation, designed to give area residents and visitors a chance to experience the walking, cycling, and rolling pathway and provide valuable feedback to help shape the permanent design. The goal of the engagement was to finalize a design for the Agnes Greenway that is safe, comfortable, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
Construction of the Agnes Greenway
Thanks in part to generous grants from TransLink and the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, replacement of the temporary greenway with permanent fixtures will commence in July 2022. Construction is estimated to take approximately 24 weeks, with anticipated completion in December 2022.
Your comfort and safety are important priorities throughout construction, and we want you to know how construction could potentially impact you. Details on the construction area, dates and impacts, as they become available, can be found at
Project Update- September 21, 2021: Round 2 Engagement Reports
A detailed summary of the second round of public engagement has been posted to the Documents section of this project page. CLICK HERE for a direct link. A shorter, visual snapshot of the second round of public engagement has been posted to the Newsfeed. CLICK HERE for a direct link.
With the second round of consultation complete, the project team is now working to finalize the detailed design for Phase 1 of the Agnes Greenway, using what we heard from participants. Construction of the permanent greenway is set to begin in 2022.
Project Update - June 10, 2021: Round 2 Engagement Launch
The Agnes Greenway project team is excited to share the recommended permanent design for Phase 1 of the future Agnes Greenway. Building on the interim treatment installed along Agnes Street between Seventh Street and Dufferin Street, and what we heard during the first phase of engagement, the permanent design will enhance the experience for all road users, including things like improved street lighting, more street trees and landscaping, green infrastructure to improve environmental sustainability, and amenities like benches and bicycle racks at key locations along the corridor.
Following the completion of the first round of engagement for the Agnes Greenway, the project team created a vision and seven key themes, which were used to guide the design for Phase 1 of the Agnes Greenway. CLICK HERE to read more about the vision and key themes.
Throughout June 2021, the project team will host several engagement activities to allow stakeholders and residents the opportunity to review the recommended permanent design and provide feedback. An update video can be found in the newsfeed below. The video outlines what is being recommended for the permanent design. CLICK HERE for a direct link.
Project Update - May 3, 2021: Round 1 Engagement Reports
The Agnes Greenway project team is continuing their work on the permanent design for the Agnes Greenway using what we heard during the first round of public engagement. We look forward to sharing the permanent design and hearing what you think in June. A detailed summary of the first round of public engagement has been posted to the Documents section of this project page. CLICK HERE for a direct link. You can also read the verbatim feedback by CLICKING HERE.
Project Overview
The City of New Westminster is creating a new 1.2-kilometre greenway along Agnes Street to support walking, wheeling, and cycling. The greenway will include a two-way protected bicycle lane for people cycling, improved sidewalks for people walking, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches. This project is part of the City of New Westminster’s commitment to sustainable transportation and climate emergency response. First envisioned 10 years ago in the Downtown Community Plan, the greenway has been prioritized in Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and the Downtown Transportation Plan, adopted by Council in August 2020.
The project includes two phases:
- Phase 1 runs along Agnes Street from Dufferin Street in the east to Seventh Street in the west. Phase 1 launched with an interim design (pilot project) in December 2020 using temporary materials and will transition to a permanent design with construction beginning in the summer of 2021 based on community feedback.
- Phase 2 is a future project that will extend this greenway to New Westminster Skytrain Station and the Waterfront Esplanade. Once complete, the greenway will connect the Victoria Hill neighbourhood and Pattullo Bridge replacement with New Westminster Skytrain Station and the Waterfront Esplanade.
To launch the Agnes Street Greenway engagement process, the City has installed an interim greenway using temporary materials along a portion of the designated route. This temporary greenway allows the community to experience the greenway and provide valuable feedback that will be considered as the project team works through the design process. The City will make adjustments as needed to the interim greenway based on the feedback received. This feedback will also help inform the permanent greenway design. You are encouraged to try out the temporary path and tell us your experience, which runs along Agnes Street from First Street in the east to Seventh Street in the west.
Map depicting the Agnes Greenway route
We are excited to explore with you over the next several months, what is possible for the future Agnes Street Greenway. Throughout the design process, the City will provide opportunities to share ideas that will help shape the future greenway. Your input will be considered by the project design team as they create a greenway that is safe, comfortable, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
Project Update – April 20, 2022: Construction of the permanent Agnes Greenway active transportation corridor is set to begin in July, with a design that is based on what the City heard from the community and neighbourhood users through two rounds of public engagement. For ongoing construction updates, visit the Projects on the Go page on the City's main website.
The Final Design for the Agnes Greenway
Based on public and stakeholder feedback, and technical analysis, the final detailed design is now complete and will include a two-way protected lane for people cycling and rolling, improved spaces for people walking and sitting, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches.

The permanent greenway constructed this year will be similar in size and configuration to the existing temporary greenway. There will be no changes to traffic flow from the current configuration on Agnes Street. However, based on the preferences and priorities we heard from engagement participants, there will be some changes to the final design features.
The Permanent Agnes Greenway: How Your Input Impacted the Final Design
What We Heard | What We Did |
Survey respondents preferred a design that would close off Blackwood Street at Agnes Street and add additional landscaping.
| Blackwood Street will be closed off at Agnes Street. This will provide additional space for public amenities including seating, a water fountain, and a dog parklet.
A top theme from the survey feedback was “Prioritize Safety.” We also heard suggestions for crosswalk improvements at Blackwood Street. Additionally, we heard a desire for more permanent barriers.
| In addition to the numerous safety features that have been introduced in the temporary greenway, a raised crosswalk will be added across Agnes Street at Blackwood Street. The permanent greenway will also include permanent medians to replace the flexible delineators used in the temporary installation.
Vehicle flow was one of the top three design priorities heard in round one of public engagement.
| There are no changes to traffic flow from the current configuration on Agnes Street.
Street trees and landscaping were identified as one of the top priorities. Participants in round two of engagement also said “more greenery, more scenery” was a desired design feature.
| A rain garden will be added at the north curb extension opposite Blackwood Street, and a stormwater tree trench feature will be added between Fourth and Sixth streets that will reduce impacts on our sewer network.
Pedestrian comfort was one of participants’ top three design priorities, including a desire for more benches.
| The final design includes seating, bike racks and other furnishings.
The existing greenway was built as a temporary installation, designed to give area residents and visitors a chance to experience the walking, cycling, and rolling pathway and provide valuable feedback to help shape the permanent design. The goal of the engagement was to finalize a design for the Agnes Greenway that is safe, comfortable, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
Construction of the Agnes Greenway
Thanks in part to generous grants from TransLink and the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, replacement of the temporary greenway with permanent fixtures will commence in July 2022. Construction is estimated to take approximately 24 weeks, with anticipated completion in December 2022.
Your comfort and safety are important priorities throughout construction, and we want you to know how construction could potentially impact you. Details on the construction area, dates and impacts, as they become available, can be found at
Project Update- September 21, 2021: Round 2 Engagement Reports
A detailed summary of the second round of public engagement has been posted to the Documents section of this project page. CLICK HERE for a direct link. A shorter, visual snapshot of the second round of public engagement has been posted to the Newsfeed. CLICK HERE for a direct link.
With the second round of consultation complete, the project team is now working to finalize the detailed design for Phase 1 of the Agnes Greenway, using what we heard from participants. Construction of the permanent greenway is set to begin in 2022.
Project Update - June 10, 2021: Round 2 Engagement Launch
The Agnes Greenway project team is excited to share the recommended permanent design for Phase 1 of the future Agnes Greenway. Building on the interim treatment installed along Agnes Street between Seventh Street and Dufferin Street, and what we heard during the first phase of engagement, the permanent design will enhance the experience for all road users, including things like improved street lighting, more street trees and landscaping, green infrastructure to improve environmental sustainability, and amenities like benches and bicycle racks at key locations along the corridor.
Following the completion of the first round of engagement for the Agnes Greenway, the project team created a vision and seven key themes, which were used to guide the design for Phase 1 of the Agnes Greenway. CLICK HERE to read more about the vision and key themes.
Throughout June 2021, the project team will host several engagement activities to allow stakeholders and residents the opportunity to review the recommended permanent design and provide feedback. An update video can be found in the newsfeed below. The video outlines what is being recommended for the permanent design. CLICK HERE for a direct link.
Project Update - May 3, 2021: Round 1 Engagement Reports
The Agnes Greenway project team is continuing their work on the permanent design for the Agnes Greenway using what we heard during the first round of public engagement. We look forward to sharing the permanent design and hearing what you think in June. A detailed summary of the first round of public engagement has been posted to the Documents section of this project page. CLICK HERE for a direct link. You can also read the verbatim feedback by CLICKING HERE.
Project Overview
The City of New Westminster is creating a new 1.2-kilometre greenway along Agnes Street to support walking, wheeling, and cycling. The greenway will include a two-way protected bicycle lane for people cycling, improved sidewalks for people walking, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches. This project is part of the City of New Westminster’s commitment to sustainable transportation and climate emergency response. First envisioned 10 years ago in the Downtown Community Plan, the greenway has been prioritized in Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and the Downtown Transportation Plan, adopted by Council in August 2020.
The project includes two phases:
- Phase 1 runs along Agnes Street from Dufferin Street in the east to Seventh Street in the west. Phase 1 launched with an interim design (pilot project) in December 2020 using temporary materials and will transition to a permanent design with construction beginning in the summer of 2021 based on community feedback.
- Phase 2 is a future project that will extend this greenway to New Westminster Skytrain Station and the Waterfront Esplanade. Once complete, the greenway will connect the Victoria Hill neighbourhood and Pattullo Bridge replacement with New Westminster Skytrain Station and the Waterfront Esplanade.
To launch the Agnes Street Greenway engagement process, the City has installed an interim greenway using temporary materials along a portion of the designated route. This temporary greenway allows the community to experience the greenway and provide valuable feedback that will be considered as the project team works through the design process. The City will make adjustments as needed to the interim greenway based on the feedback received. This feedback will also help inform the permanent greenway design. You are encouraged to try out the temporary path and tell us your experience, which runs along Agnes Street from First Street in the east to Seventh Street in the west.
Map depicting the Agnes Greenway route
We are excited to explore with you over the next several months, what is possible for the future Agnes Street Greenway. Throughout the design process, the City will provide opportunities to share ideas that will help shape the future greenway. Your input will be considered by the project design team as they create a greenway that is safe, comfortable, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.