Traffic Calming Around Schools
Consultation has concluded

Project Update, April 2023: The City’s consultant is continuing work to finalize designs for permanent traffic calming measures around schools in New Westminster. The permanent designs will reflect feedback from last year’s engagement participants:
- the 30 km/h pavement markings will be replaced with a clearer, more durable design
- the design for permanent curb extensions will be adjusted to strike a balance between vehicle maneuvering and prioritizing pedestrians
- permanent curb extensions will use concrete to replace the current flexible white posts, which we have heard are not visually appealing
In addition, a few speed humps are still to be installed in areas where we are waiting for other construction projects to be completed. No significant changes are expected for the pick-up/drop-off signage.
Installation of the permanent measures is expected to begin later in 2023, starting with replacing the 30 km/h pavement markings. Busier streets will be prioritized for installing the permanent measures. The temporary measures will be replaced gradually over the next few years.
Project Update, October 20, 2022: Engagement participants and community members are now invited to review the survey results! A total of 188 residents completed the traffic calming survey. Click here for the full survey report. You can also read the discussion forum comments at any time.
The project team is still working to analyze and apply your input. Stay tuned for more details on how your feedback will inform the updated traffic calming designs for each school. Again, thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback with us.
The City has almost completed installing new traffic-calming measures at 14 school zones across New Westminster. The measures are designed to be low-cost and temporary, and will help create safer school zones in a rapid fashion. Once you have had an opportunity to experience the changes, we are seeking community feedback to help inform the permanent designs.
Creating safe routes to school is an important factor in reducing GHG emissions and achieving the City’s goal of a zero carbon future by 2050. The new traffic calming measures are also in support of the City’s 7 Bold Steps – specifically Step 2, Car Light Community, and Step 7, Quality People-Centered Public Realm.
To design the interim traffic calming measures, existing traffic control, calming measures and curbside regulations at each school location were reviewed. In addition, we reviewed previous planning efforts to improve traffic safety around schools, including:
- School Travel Plans developed by Hub for Active School Travel (HASTe) and HUB: Your Cycling Connection
- Toolkit of school traffic safety measures developed by the former Neighbourhood Traffic Advisory Committee (now Sustainable Transportation Advisory Committee)
- Conceptual designs for the five elementary schools and one middle school previously completed by City staff
The interim traffic calming measures have also been informed by best practices to improve school safety and facilitate active transportation from regional, national and international examples.
Click here for details on the specific changes in progress / completed at each school zone.
How can I engage?
Your feedback will help the City’s Transportation Department understand how effective the temporary measures are at creating safer school zones, and if there have been any unintended consequences after their installation. The feedback from this engagement will help inform updated traffic calming designs for each school as we replace the temporary measures with permanent fixtures starting in 2023.
Installation of the new traffic calming measures is still underway, and different features will be installed at different times around your neighbourhood school(s). A survey and discussion forum have been created to gather feedback on the temporary measures. Please share your feedback once you have had a chance to experience the completed changes. The survey and discussion forum will be open through the end-of-day August 21, 2022.